Tatlin’s Sentinel by John Henry

Hall Arts 'Tatlin's Sentinel' sculpture by John Henry

Tatlin’s Sentinel

John Henry

About the Artist

John Henry is known worldwide for his large-scale public art installations with works prominently displayed in many American cities and throughout Europe and Asia. John’s sculptures grace a number of museums as well as corporate, public and private collections. His work has been shown extensively since the early 1960s and exhibits a definitive trademark style that is internationally recognized. His art ranges in scale from small tabletop pieces to some of the largest contemporary metal sculptures in the world. While identified by some in the 1970s as part of the Minimalist Movement, the geometric forms that have defined his work for more than 40 years have an aesthetic and historical base in Constructivism. John has a supreme commitment to the materiality of his work and an unwavering insistence on maintaining the integrity of the process and the materials in developing his visual vocabulary. Learn more about John Henry at www.johnhenrysculptor.com.

Project Details

Hall Arts 'Red Bench' by John Henry
Red Bench
Hall Arts Whitney Loebeau sculpture.